Qiling Framework

Demystifying IoT Firmware with Emulation

by chinggg


Play with IoT firmware


  • Get firmware
    • download from Internet or dump physically
  • Extract rootfs
    • binwalk is all your need
    • squashfs-tools, sasquatch, firmware-mod-kit
├── bin
├── cfg
├── dev
├── etc -> /var/etc
├── etc_ro
├── home -> /var/home
├── init -> bin/busybox
├── lib
├── mnt
├── proc
├── root -> /var/root
├── sbin
├── sys
├── tmp
├── usr
├── var
├── webroot -> var/webroot
└── webroot_ro

The QEMU way (user mode)

❯ sudo chroot . /qemu-arm-static /bin/httpd
init_core_dump 1816: rlim_cur = 0, rlim_max = 0
init_core_dump 1825: open core dump success
init_core_dump 1834: rlim_cur = 5242880, rlim_max = 5242880


      ****** WeLoveLinux******

 Welcome to ...

The QEMU way (system mode)

  • Repack the firmware image
  • Boot with QEMU
qemu-system-arm -cpu arm1176 -M versatilepb -kernel /path/to/kernelqemu-4.4.34-jessie -append "console=ttyAMA0 root=/dev/sda rootfstype=ext2 rw" -hda /path/to/rootrootfs.img -nographic

Issues at runtime:

  • Missing files (configuration, shared object)
  • Check error then exit
  • Segmentation fault


  • Fake environment with required file
  • Function hijacking with LD_PRELOAD
  • strace and reverse engineering

Qiling’s Debut

From QEMU to Unicorn Engine

  • Lightweight: focus on CPU emulation
  • Flexible: run off the shelf without any context
  • Instrumentation: register handlers for events

From Unicorn Engine to Qiling

  • File Formats: ELF, PE, Mach-O, EVM, DOS
  • OS Context: syscall, IO, file system
  • Extension: IDA, GDB and now Radare2

Demo 1: router WebUI


Demo 2: fuzzing with ql_afl


def main(input_file, enable_trace=False):
    ql = Qiling(["rootfs/bin/httpd"], "rootfs", verbose=QL_VERBOSE.DEBUG, console = True if enable_trace else False)

    # save current emulated status

    # return should be 0x7ff3ca64
    target_address = fuzz_mem[0]

    def place_input_callback(_ql: Qiling, input: bytes, _):
        _ql.mem.write(target_address, input)

    def start_afl(_ql: Qiling):
        Callback from inside
        ql_afl_fuzz(_ql, input_file=input_file, place_input_callback=place_input_callback, exits=[ql.os.exit_point])

    ql.hook_address(callback=start_afl, address=0x10930+8)

        ql.run(begin = 0x10930+4, end = 0x7a0cc+4)
        if enable_trace:
            print("\nFuzzer Went Shit")

Recent Work

Radare2 extenstion

Reversing MCU with Firmware Emulation

Thanks for reading!

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Read the docs at https://docs.qiling.io/